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Tree Blog

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Surprising Ways to Reuse Trees After Removal

When you need to remove a tree, it’s natural to feel bad about taking away a piece of nature. Despite your best efforts, some trees are in serious decline or pose too much of a hazard to keep on your property. In such cases, it’s better for you and even for the environment to remove them. However, removing a tree doesn’t have to be a total waste. After removal, there are surprising uses for trees.

Turn Trees Into Mulch

Many trees can be turned into mulch and spread throughout your garden. They can also help nourish the beds of other trees to make the soil richer and improve water retention. If you want, you could even plant a new tree and use the old tree’s mulch as a sentimental way to remember it.

Just be sure that the tree in question isn’t infected by any disease or fungi. Mulching is only a good idea for trees that are dead or damaged, not ones that are sick.

Turn the Lumber Into Firewood

If you have a fireplace, then you can turn the trunk and old branches into firewood. This is a simple and easy way to repurpose a tree after removal and use as much of it as possible.

Most tree removers are happy to leave firewood-size pieces of wood behind after tree removal. If you’d like to cut them further, you can split them with an axe and cover them until you need them. This will keep the firewood free of insects and protect it from the elements until you’re ready to throw a log onto the fire.

Turn Logs or Tree Stumps Into Statement Pieces

A tree stump left behind after tree removal doesn’t have to be an eyesore! You can use it to display a planter or turn it into a seat. All you’ll need is an angle grinder to sculpt the stump into your desired shape. You could also seal the seat with a coating of polyurethane.

Other options include turning tree trunks and wood into tables, chairs, or other types of furniture. Whether you want to build them yourself or send the wood off to a craftsman, having wood from a beloved tree turned into a piece of furniture is a great way to honor it.

Turn Finished Wood Into Gifts

Small slabs of wood can be smoothed and even painted to turn into nature-inspired gifts. Some people even turn a part of their old tree into a wood chopping board for the kitchen.

If you’ve never worked with wood before, small projects are the best way to start delving into the craft and exploring your creativity.

Create a Wildlife Habitat

An old log or tree trunk can be left behind as a home for birds or squirrels. Just make sure that it’s healthy, otherwise you could attract unwanted pests. Dead wood isn’t usually allowed as a habitat in most neighborhoods, so check with your HOA if you want to go that route.

Homeowners in Columbus, OH, can always count on the team at Bluegrass Tree & Lawn for professional tree removal services, so call us today.