Some of the most majestic trees are evergreens, which means they hold onto their greenery all yearlong, even in winter. This doesn’t mean they don’t shed their leaves or needles; they simply don’t shed them all at once as deciduous trees do. Here are some facts about these marvelous plants.
Not All Evergreens Are Conifers
When you think of an evergreen tree, you probably think of a conifer, or cone-bearing tree, such as a pine, a yew, or a fir. But not all evergreens are conifers, and not all of them have needles. Broadleaf evergreens found in North America include magnolias such as the northern sweetbay and magnolia grandiflora, madrones, and some species of oak such as live oaks and silverleaf oaks. Other broadleaf evergreens are the bay laurel and holly. One deciduous conifer is the larch, which drops all of its needles in the winter.
Some Are Seriously Endangered
Species of evergreen trees called cycads are endangered in the wild, some critically so. Cycads resemble palm trees, but they produce cones. One cycad, Sclavo’s cycad, is only found in Tanzania and produces a cone that’s between 12 and 16 inches long. Cycad leaves are also found on Vanuatu’s coat of arms and flag.
They Are Some of the Oldest Trees on Earth
Some of the oldest living trees in the world are evergreens. Specifically, they are Western bristlecone pines. Biologists believe that the oldest has been alive for close to 5,000 years.
They Are Some of the Biggest Trees on Earth
The sequoia called General Sherman is believed to be the largest tree on earth. There were even larger trees than General Sherman, but they were either cut down or blown down in storms. General Sherman is 275 feet tall. It’s not only tall but also old. Scientists believe it’s between 2,200 and 2,700 years of age.
They Are Evergreen to Conserve Water and Catch More Sunlight
Evergreens keep their leaves to conserve water during the cold and dry weather of winter. They can also thrive in places where the soil is poor or acidic. Many evergreen trees do have needles instead of broad leaves. Needles tend to be harder than broad leaves and have a waxy coat that helps them hold onto water, tolerate snow and ice storms, and discourage pests. Because their wind resistance is high, trees with needles are less likely to be toppled during violent storms. And since needles stay on the tree longer, they can absorb more sunlight.
Learn More About Evergreen Trees
As a homeowner, there’s a good chance that you have an evergreen somewhere on your property whether it’s a pine or a spruce or even boxwoods you’ve planted as a hedge or topiary plants. Our arborists are here to help your evergreens stay healthy and last a long time. If you need services such as trimming and pruning or tree removal, don’t hesitate to call us at Bluegrass Tree & Lawn of Columbus, Ohio today.